Let’s talk about that Korean hat!

Korea has established its reputation in various mediums, but none other is as etched into the history as their hats in Joseon period (1392-1910). Historically speaking, Koreans loved their Gats (Hats), Westerners that have ventured as far as Korea at that time, admired the variety of Korean hat selection and often dubbed it as a hat country. In Joseon period no young fellow Korean man could be taken seriously without its Gat. It was a marker for: style, social-ranking, marital status, education. In short, it was a wearable Insta/tinder bio.

Below you will find a short guide to a Joseon period man underneath the hat:

Heuklip (흑립)

Heuklip (흑립)- You are in luck! This man is an aristocrat or at least from a fairly high echelon of society. Pay close attention to the width of the hat brim, as it turns out wider the better. Once you found sufficiently wide-brimmed hatted man, don’t let him go easy, he may just be the full-package.

Ikseongwan (익선관)

Ikseongwan (익선관)- Jackpot! A king himself, or a Crown Prince at least. This is one special man with some special tricks in-store. This man will most certainly be rich and powerful, but be careful, this kind is not known to be very loyal to one woman, often entertaining a good number of concubines.


 Jurip (주립)- This snazzy bright number belongs to a military man. Make sure you play close attention to the accessories and adornments on the hat as they indicate military rank and seniority. This could be a perfect man for those that admire good male figure and enjoy long-distance relationships.

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Samo (사모)- Sporting this trendy attire is almost without a doubt a government official. He is the reliable sort, has a 9-5 job, average and stable income. He could be a man of your dreams even if a little boring at times.

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Bokkeon (복건)- This hat could either be worn by children or scholars. If you see a grown man with this headgear, pay close attention. He is most likely to be bright, witty and well-read, yet a little hard to attain as he spends most of the time pouring over books.

 Pae Raengi (패랭이)- This straw hat will most likely be worn by a farmer or a commoner. He is likely to be quite literally down to earth kind of guy. No intrigues here, just pure love and idyllic life away from the court drama. A perfect option for ladies looking to settle-down and raise a family.

This is certainly not a definitive list of gats in Joseon period. There were number of other gats and infinite amount of intricacies behind each hat and man underneath it.

Don’t judge a man by its cover they say and since we are no longer in Joseon period, we will have to make our calculated assumptions on their online presence instead. However, you can keep this guide in mind when you watch one of the many Joseon period K-Dramas (My Sassy Girl, The Kingdom, Scholar Who Walks The Night, Queen for Seven Days, Moon Embracing The Sun)  and let us know which gatted man has caught your attention.

Author: Egle Poceviciute


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